"So over the next week, think about how you’ve researched in the past in terms of time, location, tools used, etc. Consider making some changes. Write down some research “warm up” exercises and try them once we get to the research phase. Make a list of items that you must have available when you are researching (a copy of Evidence Explained, a spiral notebook, your copy of Evernote open on screen, etc.)."
- In the past, I've merely just "dived" in, on a quest ... not a whole lot of structure. While this MAY lead to a lot of serendipitous finds, it's just not that organized!
- So, structure is good, and desirable ... knowing WHAT question I want to find an answer for can go a long way in helping me make the most of my time! And, hopefully, I will answer THAT question, or at least have another question to answer.
- Start with a MIND MAP or some sort of organizer to help guide my journey
- I'm using Evidence Explained (2015) more and more to make certain that my citations are CORRECT.
- I will have EVERNOTE opened and ready ... for notes, pictures, or almost anything BUT I will have identified a tag or two BEFORE starting (makes things easier later)
- Pencil and paper (or pen and paper) ... take a note before it's forgotten. Add that note to the relevant page in my notebook (pedigree chart). Add a sticky note if needed, and a tab if needed also. ** UPDATE 5 October 2015, Use the sticky notes to form a mindmap for this as well as current research.
- Check and verify each and every source ... is this REALLY the same person? do they live where I'd expect them to live (based on past events)? or is this place NEW and I need to be certain I can connect the dots
- Verify and triangulate events and places ** UPDATE 5 October 2015 Try and locate as much primary source material as possible, then secondary source material.
- Is the SOURCE original or derivative, is CLARITY clear or marginal, is the INFORMATION primary or secondary, and is the EVIDENCE direct or indirect?
- Be certain that I enter any and ALL research with a PLAN, identifying (1) WHAT I'm trying to answer, (2) WHERE I've already looked, (3) WHERE I plan to look, and (4) HOW I will know ... and measure ... my answer ... have I answered my question SUFFICIENTLY and with some degree of ACCURACY?
My Research Process Mind Map |
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